Evidenced-based models of rural palliative care Almost half (45%) of the world’s population lives in rural areas, yet their access to quality palliative care is limited. Claire Marshall discusses evidence-based models... Read more... 22/09/2023 | Blog | Patients and Carers | Health Professionals Tags: Evidence-based palliative care | health professionals | rural palliative care Views: 1782
When will the palliative care evidence be translated into care? Early integration of palliative care for people with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer not only improved quality of life and psychological symptoms but also was associated... Read more... 14/02/2023 | Blog | Evidence Tags: Evidence-based palliative care Views: 1622
A new resource for the aged care sector: Palliative care content in the ARIIA... Research evidence and knowledge help us understand what works and how things work in aged care. Dr. Raechel Damarell discusses the new palliative care content recently released... Read more... 2/11/2022 | Blog | Implementation and Translation | Evidence | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care | Aged Care in home Tags: Research | Evidence-based palliative care | Aged care Views: 1708
The role of clinical nurses in harnessing the lessons about evidence from COVID-19 We need to move beyond the traditional and normative ‘top down’ and ‘outside in’ ways of creating and ‘translating’ evidence - Aileen... Read more... 20/10/2022 | Blog | Evidence | Health Professionals | InFocus | Evidence Ecosystem Tags: Evidence-based palliative care Views: 1695