Resources that can help nurses with communication

  • palliAGED case conference forms and checklists facilitate the preparation, running and documentation of family meetings and case conferences
  • End-of-Life Essentials is an open-access online learning opportunities and practice resources for doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals. The focus is on end-of-life care in Australian hospitals; however, the content can be useful for other care settings.
  • Read the tips on Active Listening from the Australian College of Nursing
  • VitalTalk website host resources communicate effectively with patients living with serious illness including an app
  • SPIKES (106kb pdf) is an acronym for step-wise framework for presenting distressing information in an organised manner to patients and families
  • Teach-back is a collection of open-access online modules and practice resources to help Australian health professionals communicate with people in their care using plain language and checking that the person has understood information about their health and care.

Page created 23 September 2022