Going online

We check the news, read e-mails, catch up with friends and family on Skype or Messenger, and search for information.

Our digital world is now so ordinary, it is hard to conceive of the scale of Internet activity.

The amount of time that Australians are spending online may be surprising.

'We are social' website presents some highlights from the Digital 2021 Global Report describing some of the interesting statistics of how Australians behaved online during 2020.

Digital legacy

So what’s going to happen to all your digital content and social media accounts when you die?

Your digital world is a just as much a part of your estate as your house or your car.

What do you have digitally that will be left behind? And what do you want to have happen to the digital footprint you leave behind?

Australia’s eSafety Commissioner has some suggestions on how you can plan your digital legacy.

Check out what you can already do

Try an App

  • Turn empathy into action with Can Do
  • Sort out your funeral planning with aftering

Make a contribution

  • Donate your data to help others
    OurDataHelps is powered by Qntfy, a company staffed by data scientists and experts in suicide prevention.

Get started

  • Print out the Dying to talk cards, a discussion starter on what's important from Palliative Care Australia

Digital health trends

So, what is going to influence our care in the next decade?
A few ideas for you to think about:

AI transforms data and we are collecting more health data than ever before

  • Artificial Intelligence
    AI transforms data and we are collecting more health data than ever before
  • Drug development processes
    COVID-19 has reformed how we design, make and trial drugs and vaccines
  • Remote working and videoconferencing
    How we interact in business and deliver health care through a distributed workforce via networking platforms
  • 5G
    Enhanced connectivity doesn’t just mean you can download your Netflix quicker; it means we can do new things we hadn’t thought possible before
  • Seeing a new world
    Extended Reality (XR) or Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/MR)
  • Online education and e-Learning are now mainstream
  • Your digital checklist

Last updated 02 August 2021