palliAGED Introductory modules for aged care nurses – a gateway to core business Aged care training will need to include capacity for palliative care with its focus on quality of life and support for the person and their families. CareSearch Senior Research... Read more... 20/05/2021 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: Education and training | palliAGED Views: 1097
Teamwork in isolation Providing palliative and end-of-life care became more complex with the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr David Holden shares insights from a survey exploring the experiences of South... Read more... 18/05/2021 | Health Professionals | Primary health care Tags: Research Views: 926
Can we make it easier to talk about death and dying? How can the digital world make it easier for us to talk about death and dying? Dr Sara Pinto provides an overview of what the 2018 Dying2Learn participants thought could help. Read more... 12/05/2021 | Community | Dying2Learn Tags: End-of-life conversations Views: 954