Supporting dignity at the end of life:... We can all play a role in conserving the dignity of people with advanced incurable disease or simply as people age. In this blog, Assoc Professor... Read more... 1/05/2024 | Blog | Patients and Carers | Health Professionals | Nurses | Allied Health Tags: End-of-Life Care | Person-centred care | Palliative Care | Dignity Views: 1667
Ensuring dignity and comfort in the late... Violet Platt, CEO of Palliative Care Victoria, shares insights into the 'Dignified and Respectful Decisions' project. This initiative... Read more... 26/04/2024 | Blog | Patients and Carers | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: Person-centred care | Palliative Care | End of life care | Palliative Care Victoria Views: 954
Why don’t we talk about dying? Palliative care plays a crucial role in improving the quality of life and the dying experience, yet access to these services remains unequal,... Read more... 16/04/2024 | Blog | Community | Patients and Carers | Health Professionals Tags: Palliative Care | End of life conversations | Death and dying Views: 1257
Nurse practitioners: Increasing access to... Nurses and carers working in residential aged care are under pressure to provide care for people with very complex needs in an environment that... Read more... 3/04/2024 | Blog | Patients and Carers | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care | Specialist Palliative Care Tags: Residential aged care | Pain management | Palliative Care | Symptom management Views: 2363
Using virtual care to enhance palliative care... In palliative care, ensuring comfort and support is crucial. Virtual care emerges as a vital tool, fostering connections between patients,... Read more... 3/04/2024 | Blog | Patients and Carers | Health Professionals Tags: End-of-Life Care | Palliative Care | Virtual care Views: 944
Personalised virtual reality in palliative... Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a promising non-pharmacological therapy in palliative care, offering potential benefits for symptom management... Read more... 27/03/2024 | Blog | Community | Patients and Carers | Health Professionals | Acute Care Tags: Acute care | Aged care | Palliative Care | Technology | Virtual Reality Views: 912