What is ARIIA?

Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation established in 2021 as part of the Australian Government’s aged care workforce strategy. Its purpose is to lead the advancement of aged care workforce capability by promoting and facilitating innovation and research to improve the quality of aged care for all Australians. ARIIA therefore works with the aged care workforce, partners, researchers, thought leaders, and businesses to harness opportunities for growth and innovation.

The ARIIA Knowledge and Implementation Hub

One of ARIIA’s initiatives is the Knowledge and Implementation Hub (the Hub), an independent source of current, quality-assessed information, evidence, and practical resources supporting the sector to provide care to older Australians. The Knowledge and Implementation Hub team is led by CareSearch Director Jennifer Tieman who brings to the project knowledge and processes developed in the CareSearch/palliAGED projects. This includes developing content according to explicit quality standards under the guidance of expert advisory groups and having a schedule for content updating for ongoing currency and relevance.

The Hub content is built around a set of priority aged care topics identified by sector surveys and consultation. For each topic, the aged care workforce and researchers within the area have access to:

  1. Evidence themes that individually describe the evidence on a particular aspect of the topic and collectively map the existing research in the area
  2. A collection of curated Australian practical resources that can be filtered by type, target audience, and care setting
  3. Resources that draw together the emerging research evidence on the topic.

The Hub also includes an aged care priority topics dealing with palliative care and end of life. For more information, visit the Knowledge and Implementation Hub website at  https://www.ariia.org.au/knowledge-implementation-hub
You can also contact the KIH team by email: kih@ariia.org.au

Page created 07 December 2023