'You only die once - we need to get it right': a palliative care clinical nurse... ELDAC has developed the Working Together Program, which involves helping create linkages between specialist palliative and aged care providers. In this blog, Kathleen Wurth, a... Read more... 22/02/2021 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: Residential aged care | ELDAC Views: 2930
ELDAC Working Together Program ELDAC project coordinators have been undertaking activities for the past three years as part of the Working Together Program which involves helping provide linkages between... Read more... 17/02/2021 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: ELDAC | Accessing services and support Views: 1125
A new palliative care dashboard for the aged care sector: Why implementation and... In her latest blog, Dr Priyanka Vandersman introduces the ELDAC Digital Dashboard, a one-stop shop for aged care providers to graphically view and track all end of life care... Read more... 16/11/2020 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: Research | ELDAC Views: 1367
Using digital innovations in aged care The COVID-19 pandemic has created many opportunities for us to use technology in new and creative ways. Within the pandemic, the importance of technology in aged care has only... Read more... 19/10/2020 | Health Professionals | Residential Aged Care Tags: ELDAC | Digital health Views: 1057