5 tips for opioid prescribing in palliative... People living with a life-limiting illness, such as cancer, frequently report moderate to severe pain and describe in detail how it affects... Read more... 9/02/2016 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: Medications and pharmacy Views: 929
The Needs Assessment Tool for Carers: how GPs... One of the most troubling aspects of caring for people at the end of life is caring for those left behind. The problem is simple –... Read more... 2/02/2016 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: End-of-Life Care Views: 713
Virtual communities of practice: presenting... Roughly two years ago I had the good fortune of meeting a group of like-minded clinicians and academics. The interaction I have had with them has... Read more... 19/01/2016 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: Digital health Views: 768
The End-of-Life Clinical Audit - a GP's experience It seems to me, as time goes by, that medicine becomes more and more fragmented. We don’t seem to consider our patients as a whole person... Read more... 15/12/2015 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: End-of-Life Care Views: 792
Fitting the pieces together: Completing the... A fundamental aspect of palliative care is that it is supposed to be “holistic care”. At an individual level, this emphasises the... Read more... 8/12/2015 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: End-of-Life Care Views: 1018
Assessing and managing patients’ pain in... Pain is one of a range of common symptoms experienced by palliative patients. Keep in mind that a patient with a life-limiting illness can... Read more... 1/12/2015 | Health Professionals | GPs Tags: Pain management Views: 1484